Firstly, there is now a massive hole that goes right through the top of my desk which was caused during the move. When I was informed about it, the movers and the person I was in contact with said they would pay compensation and take accountability but refused to confirm this through email or text, only calls. I have not heard from them since and now am stuck with a broken desk.
Secondly, I received my things later than I had originally arranged, which meant I needed to change my flights around in order to receive my things.
I would NOT recommend this company and now I’m stuck with throwing my old desk out, and paying the movers for a bad job.
Response from Breezy Movers
We called you several times already and already asked you about a table compensation
We offered you the money or table but you were busy then we had to go to Christchurch.and we agreed to pay you cash after Xmas that is when we are back
But you have no patience we ll call you soon to sort it out don’t worry
This is the first thing happened to us in 4 years
3 weeks ago